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Found 1 results

Monitoring Regulation and Enforcement Activities Associated With the Underground Construction Economy: Preliminary Report

Open Publication PDF

Jim Mayfield - December 2008

In 2007, the Washington State Legislature enacted Senate Bill 5926 creating the Joint Task Force on the Underground Economy in the Construction Industry to “formulate a state policy to establish cohesion and transparency between state agencies so as to increase the oversight and regulation of the underground economy practices in the construction industry.” In addition, assisting in determining the extent of and costs associated with the underground construction economy, subsequent legislation in 2008 instructed the Institute to organize a committee to identify benchmarks to measure the effect of Task Force recommendations.

This preliminary report describes data (currently available or soon to be collected) that can be used to monitor the implementation of legislatively enacted policies associated with the Task Force’s recommendations. Because many of the activities enacted during the 2008 legislative session were not implemented until late summer or fall of 2008, the data presented here only represent a baseline against which to measure future outcomes. Data reflecting the first fiscal year of implementation will be available prior to the 2010 legislative session.
