Functional Family Probation and Parole (FFP) for court-involved/post-release youth
Juvenile Justice
Benefit-cost methods last updated December 2024. Literature review updated August 2019.
Functional Family Probation and Parole (FFP) is a case management program modeled after Functional Family Therapy (FFT). FFP was designed to supervise youth in the community on probation or parole. Like FFT, FFP is a structured, family-based intervention that uses a multi-step approach to enhance protective factors (e.g., school attendance) and reduce risk factors (e.g., antisocial attitudes) in the family. The five phases of this program include 1) engagement, 2) motivation, 3) identifying patterns of interaction within the family, 4) behavior change, and 5) generalizing positive interactions to new situations. Each phase helps to support incremental change for the youth and family. FFP typically involves 12 to 14 therapist visits over a three- to five-month period. Therapists are trained by FFT LLC.
In this analysis, FFP was delivered to youth on parole after being released from confinement and one study examined youth on probation. Youth participated in FFP for an average of six months. Comparison youth received either no treatment or treatment and probation as usual. Although risk level was not reported in these studies, youth had some degree of prior involvement with the justice system. Among included studies that reported demographics, 63% of participants were youth of color and 10% were female.
Key Terms
Court-involved youth: Youth who are processed through the juvenile justice system but who are not ordered to a period of confinement in a residential or correctional facility. This includes populations of arrested youth, diverted youth, charged youth, adjudicated youth, and youth on probation or formal supervision.
Youth in state institutions: Youth who are confined in a residential or correctional facility when they participate in the program.
Youth post-release: Youth who are returning to the community following a period of confinement in a residential or correctional facility and who participate in the program after release to the community.
For an overview of WSIPP's Benefit-Cost Model, please see this guide. The estimates shown are present value, life cycle benefits and costs. All dollars are expressed in the base year chosen for this analysis (2023).
The chance the benefits exceed the costs are derived from a Monte Carlo risk analysis. The details on this, as well as the economic discount rates and other relevant parameters are described in our Technical Documentation.
Benefit-Cost Summary Statistics Per Participant |
Taxpayers |
$5,350 |
Benefits minus costs |
$16,844 |
Participants |
$639 |
Benefit to cost ratio |
$4.50 |
Others |
$15,559 |
Chance the program will produce |
Indirect |
$110 |
benefits greater than the costs |
74% |
Total benefits |
$21,658 |
Net program cost |
($4,814) |
Benefits minus cost |
$16,844 |
1In addition to the outcomes measured in the meta-analysis table, WSIPP measures benefits and costs estimated from other outcomes associated with those reported in the evaluation literature. For example, empirical research demonstrates that high school graduation leads to reduced crime. These associated measures provide a more complete picture of the detailed costs and benefits of the program.
2“Others” includes benefits to people other than taxpayers and participants. Depending on the program, it could include reductions in crime victimization, the economic benefits from a more educated workforce, and the benefits from employer-paid health insurance.
3“Indirect benefits” includes estimates of the net changes in the value of a statistical life and net changes in the deadweight costs of taxation.
Detailed Monetary Benefit Estimates Per Participant |
Taxpayers |
Participants |
Others2 |
Indirect3 |
Crime |
Criminal justice system |
$5,105 |
$0 |
$15,179 |
$2,552 |
$22,836 |
Labor market earnings associated with high school graduation |
$317 |
$746 |
$412 |
$0 |
$1,476 |
Costs of higher education |
($71) |
($108) |
($32) |
($36) |
($246) |
Program cost |
Adjustment for deadweight cost of program |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
($2,407) |
($2,407) |
Totals |
$5,350 |
$639 |
$15,559 |
$110 |
$21,658 |
Click here to see populations selected
Click here to hide populations selected
Populations - Primary |
Crime |
Youth released from state institutions Youth released from a juvenile rehabilitation faciliity |
Education |
Youth involved in the juvenile justice system Youth who are currently or were previously involved in the juvenile justice system |
Earnings |
Previous criminal justice involvement All individuals with a previous arrest and booking |
For more information on populations see the
Technical Documentation
Detailed Annual Cost Estimates Per Participant |
Program costs |
$5,654 |
2015 |
Present value of net program costs (in 2023 dollars) |
($4,814) |
Comparison costs |
$1,763 |
2015 |
Cost range (+ or -) |
20% |
Treatment group costs are based on Functional Family Therapy (FFT) (a similar program) and the cost of post-release supervision (parole) for 12 weeks. The cost of FFT is reported in Barnoski, R. (2009). Providing evidence-based programs with fidelity in Washington State juvenile courts: Cost analysis (Doc. No. 09-12-1201). Olympia: Washington State Institute for Public Policy. Comparison group costs reflect the cost of parole supervision. Approximately 80% of the comparison sample from meta-analysis incurred parole supervision costs, while the remainder received no treatment and no parole. Thus, the cost of parole supervision for the comparison group was proportionately applied. We calculated the cost of parole for the comparison group using WSIPP cost estimates and assumed 12 weeks of supervision; the same length of supervision assumed for the FFP cost. WSIPP estimates are from Washington State Institute for Public Policy. (December 2018). Benefit-cost technical documentation. Olympia, WA: Author.
The figures shown are estimates of the costs to implement programs in Washington. The comparison group costs reflect either no treatment or treatment as usual, depending on how effect sizes were calculated in the meta-analysis. The cost range reported above reflects potential variation or uncertainty in the cost estimate; more detail can be found in our Technical Documentation.
Benefits Minus Costs |
Benefits by Perspective |
Taxpayer Benefits by Source of Value |
Benefits Minus Costs Over Time (Cumulative Discounted Dollars) |
The graph above illustrates the estimated cumulative net benefits per-participant for the first fifty years beyond the initial investment in the program. We present these cash flows in discounted dollars. If the dollars are negative (bars below $0 line), the cumulative benefits do not outweigh the cost of the program up to that point in time. The program breaks even when the dollars reach $0. At this point, the total benefits to participants, taxpayers, and others, are equal to the cost of the program. If the dollars are above $0, the benefits of the program exceed the initial investment. |
Benefits by Perspective Over Time (Cumulative Discounted Dollars) |
The graph above illustrates the breakdown of the estimated cumulative benefits (not including program costs) per-participant for the first fifty years beyond the initial investment in the program. These cash flows provide a breakdown of the classification of dollars over time into four perspectives: taxpayer, participant, others, and indirect. “Taxpayers” includes expected savings to government and expected increases in tax revenue. “Participants” includes expected increases in earnings and expenditures for items such as health care and college tuition. “Others” includes benefits to people other than taxpayers and participants. Depending on the program, it could include reductions in crime victimization, the economic benefits from a more educated workforce, and the benefits from employer-paid health insurance. “Indirect benefits” includes estimates of the changes in the value of a statistical life and changes in the deadweight costs of taxation. If a section of the bar is below the $0 line, the program is creating a negative benefit, meaning a loss of value from that perspective. |
Taxpayer Benefits by Source of Value Over Time (Cumulative Discounted Dollars) |
Citations Used in the Meta-Analysis
Darnell, A.J., & Schuler, M.S. (2015). Quasi-experimental study of Functional Family Therapy effectiveness for juvenile justice aftercare in a racially and ethnically diverse community sample. Children and Youth Services Review, 50(3), 75-82.
Lucenko, L. He, Mancuso, D., & Felver, B. (2011). Effects of Functional Family Parole on re-arrest and employment for youth in Washington State. Research Data Analysis Division: Olympia, Washington.
Sexton, T., Rowland, M., & McEnery, A., (2009). Interim outcome evaluation of the Washington State Functional Family Parole Project. Center for Adolescent and Family Studies. Bloomington, Indiana.