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Found 632 results

Comparison of State Laws Authorizing Involuntary Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators: 2006 Update, Revised

Open Publication PDF

Kathy Gookin - August 2007

In 1990, the Washington State Legislature passed a new form of involuntary commitment for sex offenders identified as “sexually violent predators” (SVPs). This law permits the state to retain custody of individuals found by a judge or jury to pose risks for reoffending.

This report updates the Institute’s 2005 study, “Involuntary Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators: Comparing State Laws,” and compares the now 20 states that have enacted or are planning to implement SVP laws. The 2005 report covered data through 2004; this report extends the timeframe through 2006 and includes information on the number of residents, discharges, and program costs.


Sex Offender Sentencing Options: Views of Child Victims and Their Parents

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Lucy Berliner - August 2007

This report explores the views of child victims and their parents in sex offense cases from three Washington State counties: Benton, King, and Snohomish. All offenses were eligible for the Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative (SSOSA), a sentencing option that incorporates a jail sentence followed by outpatient treatment and supervision.

Offender Reentry Initiative: Recommended Criteria for the Community Transition Coordination Networks

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Elizabeth Drake - August 2007

The 2007 Legislature established a pilot program called Community Transition Coordination Networks for offenders reentering the community from confinement (ESSB 6157). The Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) was tasked to review county proposals and select up to four CTCN pilot projects to receive grant funding. The Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, by September 1, 2007, to recommend criteria for assisting CTED during the grant review process.


Deferred Prosecution of DUI Cases in Washington State: Evaluating the Impact on Recidivism

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Robert Barnoski - August 2007

In 1975, the Washington State Legislature established a deferred prosecution option for offenders arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and/or impairing drugs (DUI). This option was intended to encourage individuals to seek appropriate treatment. Under this option, defendants with a significant alcohol or drug dependence problem may petition the court to defer disposition of their charge until they have completed intensive substance dependence treatment and met other conditions required by the court.

Another option invoked to encourage treatment is prosecutor diversion, which allows the court to maintain supervision over defendants and impose conditions, including treatment and victim restitution.

In 2005, the legislature authorized the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to use federal funds to contract with the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Institute) to evaluate the impact on recidivism of deferred prosecution, including prosecutor diversion, for DUI cases. In addition, this report examines whether DUI recidivism rates changed after 1998, when legislation was passed limiting eligibility and lengthening the supervision period for the deferred prosecution program.


Do Summer 2006 Promoting Academic Success Program Characteristics Influence WASL Retake Results?

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Robert Barnoski - August 2007

This report focuses on the relative effectiveness of different Promoting Academic Success (PAS) summer school strategies used to help students meet standard on the WASL in August 2006.

Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Performance on Multiple-Choice and Open-Ended Questions by Student Subgroups

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Robert Barnoski, Wade Cole - August 2007

The 2006 Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) to conduct a “review and statistical analysis of Washington assessment of student learning [WASL] data” in order to “identify possible barriers to student success or possible causes of the lack of success.” This report examines the relationship between student performance on multiple-choice and open-ended questions on the 10th-grade WASL in spring 2006 by gender, race/ethnicity, language use, poverty status, and enrollment in special education.


Six-Year Follow-Up of 135 Released Sex Offenders Recommended for Commitment Under Washington’s Sexually Violent Predator Law, Where No Petition Was Filed

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Cheryl Milloy - June 2007

Washington’s Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) statute permits the involuntary commitment of persons found by a jury to meet the statutory definition of a sexually violent predator. In a previous report, the Institute examined the recidivism of 89 released sex offenders referred by the Department of Corrections (DOC) as meeting the filing standards for civil commitment petitions, but for whom no petitions were filed.

This report extends the results of the previous study by adding 46 individuals who were referred by sources other than the DOC.


Evidence-Based Juvenile Offender Programs: Program Description, Quality Assurance, and Cost

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Elizabeth Drake - June 2007

Six juvenile offender programs identified by Institute as evidence-based are profiled through program descriptions, quality assurance information, and cost-benefit figures.


Educational Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind Children in Washington State: Stakeholder Views

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Annie Pennucci, Theresa B. Smith, Robert I. Roth - June 2007

The 2006 Washington State Legislature directed the Institute to "hire a meeting facilitator to conduct a series of meetings with a broad group of stakeholders to examine the strengths and weaknesses of educational services available to deaf and hard of hearing children throughout the state." This report describes the stakeholder consultations conducted and summarizes stakeholder views regarding Washington's educational system for deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind children.


Children's Mental Health Evidence-Based Practice Pilot: Preliminary Evaluation Plan

Open Publication PDF

Jim Mayfield - June 2007

In its 2006 regular session, the Legislature charged the Department of Social and Health Services Mental Health Division with establishing a pilot program to provide evidence-based mental health services to children, and the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Institute) was directed to study the pilot.

The Institute's study will examine outcomes of children eligible from July 2007 through June 2008. A preliminary report will be completed by December 2008, an interim report by December 2009, and a final two-year follow-up report by September 2010.
