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Washington State Institute for Public Policy

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Found 625 results

Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Results by Race and Ethnicity—Revised

Open Publication PDF

Wade Cole, Robert Barnoski - November 2006

This report summarizes results of the 10th-grade WASL in spring 2006 by the racial/ethnic characteristics of students.

Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Associations Among Subject Areas

Open Publication PDF

Wade Cole, Robert Barnoski - November 2006

This report describes associations among subject-area results for the 78,020 10th-grade students who completed the WASL in spring 2006. The analysis finds that the associations among subject-area results on the WASL are strong even though more 10th graders met standard in reading and writing than in math.

Tenth-Grade WASL Strands: Student Performance Varies Considerably Over Time

Open Publication PDF

Robert Barnoski, Wade Cole - November 2006

This report examines longitudinal variability in student performance on math, reading, and writing strands for the 10th-grade Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL).

Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Open-Ended and Multiple Choice Questions

Open Publication PDF

Wade Cole, Robert Barnoski - November 2006

This report examines the relationship between student performance on multiple-choice and open-ended items on the 10th-grade Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) in spring 2006.

Evidence-Based Public Policy Options to Reduce Future Prison Construction, Criminal Justice Costs, and Crime Rates

Open Publication PDF

Steve Aos, Marna Miller, Elizabeth Drake - October 2006

Under current long-term forecasts, Washington State faces the need to construct several new prisons in the next two decades. Since new prisons are costly, the 2005 Washington Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to project whether there are “evidence-based” options that can: a) reduce the future need for prison beds, b) save money for state and local taxpayers, and c) contribute to lower crime rates. This report describes our findings and discusses how we conducted the analysis. We review evidence-based adult corrections, juvenile corrections, and prevention options and analyze the effects of alternative portfolios of these investments.


Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Summary Results

Open Publication PDF

Wade Cole, Robert Barnoski - October 2006

This report provides an overview of 10th-grade WASL results for spring 2006.

Washington State Criminal Records Audit: Meeting 1, Review of Research Design

Open Publication PDF

Elizabeth Drake, Robert Barnoski, Laura Harmon - September 2006

The Institute was contracted by the Office of Financial Management to determine the completeness and accuracy of Washington State’s criminal history databases for adult felons. The following databases are included in the study: the Washington State Patrol, the Department of Corrections, the Administrative Office of the Courts, and the Sentencing Guidelines Commission. This presentation discusses the proposed research design for the study. The final report will be completed by April 2007.


Study Design: Benefits and Costs of K-12 Educational Programs and Services

Open Publication PDF

Steve Aos, Annie Pennucci - September 2006

The 2006 Washington State Legislature directed the Institute to "begin the development of a repository of research and evaluations of the cost-benefits of various educational programs and services." This report describes the methodology we are using for this study. Results will be presented in a second report in March 2007.


A Historic Look at the WASL and High School Graduation

Open Publication PDF

Robert Barnoski, Wade Cole - September 2006

This report examines the historical relationship between student performance on the 10th-grade Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL) and subsequent high school graduation.

Recidivism Findings for the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration's Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program: Final Report

Open Publication PDF

Elizabeth Drake, Robert Barnoski - July 2006

The Washington State Legislature directed the Institute to evaluate the Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) pilot to determine if DBT reduces recidivism. DBT is a program for juvenile offenders who have mental health issues and reside in a state institution. The Institute conducted a preliminary study of the program in 2002, using a 12-month follow-up period, and found the program reduced felony recidivism. This report updates the 2002 study using a longer follow-up period to measure recidivism.
