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Washington State Institute for Public Policy

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Found 625 results

Implementation of Washington's Dangerous Mentally Ill Offender Law: Preliminary Findings

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Polly Phipps, Gregg Gagliardi - March 2002

In 1999, the Washington State Legislature enacted Substitute Senate Bill 5011 to improve the process of identifying and providing additional mental health treatment for mentally ill offenders being released from the Department of Corrections who pose a threat to public safety. This report focuses on the implementation of the Act and includes an assessment of how the process of defining, identifying, and selecting "dangerous mentally ill offenders" (DMIOs) has been carried out. The report also describes the treatment and services provided to an early group of released DMIOs.


Evaluation of the HOPE Act: New State Services for Street Youth: Second Interim Report, First Two Program Years

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Anita Kay - March 2002

In 1999, the Legislature created two new programs for street youth with no family support:  HOPE Centers and Responsible Living Skills Programs.  This second interim report focuses on program implementation issues, characteristics of youth served, and services provided during the first two program years.  It also previews the final report to be delivered by December 2002.


Washington's Offender Accountability Act: An Evaluation of the Department of Corrections' Risk Management Identification System

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Steve Aos - January 2002

In 1999, the Legislature passed the Offender Accountability Act (OAA). Fundamentally, the OAA concerns economics; that is, it affects how the Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) spends its budget. It directs DOC to focus more resources on higher-risk offenders and - because state agency budgets must balance - to spend fewer dollars on lower-risk offenders. The Institute was directed by the Legislature to “conduct a study of the effect of the use of community custody…on recidivism and other outcomes.” In this report, we evaluate the implementation of one cornerstone of the OAA: the formal process DOC is using to assess the risk levels of offenders - DOC’s “Risk Management Identification” (RMI) system. This report tests the degree to which the RMI system measures what the Legislature intended. We analyzed the first substantial group of offenders classified by DOC. We found that DOC’s RMI system does a reasonable job of classifying offenders pursuant to the policy directives of the OAA.


Access to Atypical Antipsychotic Medications: Program Characteristics and Participant Profiles

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Polly Phipps, Bill Luchansky, Mina Halpern - January 2002

The 2000 Legislature passed Second Substitute House Bill 2663, providing for the distribution of atypical antipsychotic medications to underserved populations who present a risk of harm to themselves and the community. This interim report provides descriptive statistics on the programs, the participants, and preliminary access and funding results.


Missing Children in Washington State: Information Sharing and Public Education

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Kay Knapp - December 2001

The 1999 Legislature directed the Institute for Public Policy to review the procedures established by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to report missing children to the Missing Children Clearinghouse (MCC) and any impediments to effective utilization of those procedures.  This report also describes the operation of the MCC and reviews public education and public awareness regarding missing children. 


At-Risk and Runaway Youth in Washington State: Outcomes for Youth Admitted to Secure Crisis Residential Centers and Mandatory Chemical Dependency Treatment

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Mason Burley, Jim Mayfield - December 2001

In 1995, Washington State implemented policies for at-risk youth intended to protect children and help families reconcile. Known as the "Becca Bill," the policies include court intervention for at-risk youth and provisions for mandatory treatment of youth with chemical dependency problems. The bill established secure crisis residential centers (CRCs), which prevent youth from leaving CRCs without parent or staff permission. During their stays in secure CRCs, youth and their families are referred to counseling and treatment services. The 2000 Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to examine outcomes for Becca youth.


Full-Time Higher Education Under TANF: Other States' Practices and Policy Options for Washington

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Jim Mayfield - November 2001

In the spring of 2001, the Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to recommend how Washington could consider adding a targeted, stand-alone higher education component to the WorkFirst program in a way that is cost-neutral and consistent with the WorkFirst philosophy. This report examines other states’ practices, federal TANF regulations, and research regarding welfare and higher education.


Avoidable Hospitalizations in Washington State

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Steve Lerch - November 2001

With the continued growth in state health care expenditures, interest in cost containment remains high. This report identifies one area where expenditure reductions may be possible: avoidable hospitalizations. Initial research indicates that potentially unnecessary hospitalizations in Washington are an issue for the federal Medicare program, private insurers, and for the state's Medicaid program. Based on the findings in this paper, the Institute will undertake a more comprehensive examination of avoidable hospitalizations for Medicaid recipients.


Educational Attainment of Foster Youth: Achievement and Graduation Outcomes for Children in State Care

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Mason Burley, Mina Halpern - November 2001

Over 12,000 school-age children in Washington State lived in foster care sometime during the past 12 months because of abuse, neglect, abandonment, or family conflict.  While the health and safety of these children are of primary concern, the educational attainment of foster children will also greatly impact their ability to succeed as adults.  This study finds that at both the elementary and secondary levels, the educational attainment of foster students in Washington falls significantly behind other students.  Furthermore, foster students are likely to experience additional risk factors related to poor school outcomes.  As directed by the Legislature, this study also suggests alternatives for sharing information about the educational experiences of foster students.

For an updated analysis on the educational attainment of foster youth using the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL), see this March 2008 report.


Foundations for Learning: Safe and Civil Schools Project: Summary of Evaluation Findings

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Robert Barnoski - October 2001

The 1999 Washington State Legislature directed the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to address disruptive behavior by students. Using a $2 million appropriation, OSPI implemented the Foundations for Learning: Safe and Civil Schools Project to promote a positive instructional approach to school discipline by building collaborative school teams though a training process. Schools had to apply for project participation through Safe and Drug Free Schools Program. The project, funded for two years, included 123 schools: 19 high schools, 26 middle schools, and 78 elementary schools.

The Washington State Institute for Public Policy was asked by OSPI to evaluate the Foundations Project. The preliminary evaluation is encouraging since the teacher surveys show some positive improvements after the first year of the planned three-year implementation effort. News from the research community is also encouraging. Researchers are having success in finding programs shown to change school environments and student behaviors. Schools can be more confident in implementing a research-based school-wide initiative to develop effective discipline practices and school norms, and then adding programs within that environment to target specific behaviors, such as bullying, or programs that focus on specific at-risk student groups.