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Found 1 results

Evaluating Washington State's Community Jobs Program: Two-Year Employment Outcomes of 2002 Enrollees

Open Publication PDF

Jim Mayfield - November 2005

Community Jobs is a Washington State WorkFirst program that places Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) clients into subsidized minimum wage jobs for up to six months. Community-based and tribal contractors provide intensive case management and seek to place clients in unsubsidized jobs. This evaluation compares the outcomes of 2,500 clients enrolled in Community Jobs in 2002 with a similar group of TANF clients who did not participate in the program. Several measures of unsubsidized employment were examined four to eight quarters after enrollment. The study found that 66 percent of enrollees were employed at least once during the follow-up period compared with 58 percent of non-participants. In any given quarter, employment rates for enrollees were 14 to 24 percent higher than non-participants. Enrollees, particularly women without recent work experience, were more likely to be continuously employed. Community Jobs is most effective for enrollees without recent work experience and more effective, over the long term, for women than men. In general, outcomes associated with Community Jobs are comparable to those provided by other WorkFirst programs even though Community Jobs serves clients who are harder to employ.
