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The 2023 Washington State Legislature directed WSIPP to study the costs of conservation district (district) supervisor elections under current law and several alternative policies that would move elections to be held under the statute for general elections and other special purpose districts. WSIPP was also tasked with investigating potential non-monetary costs and benefits of these alternative policies.
This preliminary report provides a background on districts in Washington and an overview of their current election processes. We describe our efforts to collect election cost data from all conservation districts in the state. We have also assembled data on historical election turnout from the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) and have obtained general election cost data for each county from the Office of the Secretary of State.
The final report, which will be published in June 2025, will include our analysis of the costs of elections in each district and will estimate costs under each alternative policy specified in the study assignment. It will also contain a qualitative analysis of the potential non-monetary costs and benefits of each alternative policy based on feedback from district personnel, SCC, and other stakeholders. This preliminary report describes our plan for those analyses.