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Found 1 results

Career and Technical Education Skill Centers: Describing Programs, Students, and Student Outcomes

Open Publication PDF

Rebecca Goodvin, Julia Cramer - December 2024

WSIPP receives funding from the legislature to conduct research on K-12 education topics. This report focuses on Career and Technical Education skill centers and their students. Skill centers are regional secondary schools that serve students across multiple school districts and provide programs that are too expensive or specialized for school districts to operate individually.

In this report, we describe skill center programming and explore questions regarding access. We find that approximately 86% of Washington’s students reside in districts with access to a skill center. Students in districts without access are evenly split between rural and urban locales. Only 3% of high school students enrolled in a skill center course in AY 2023, and skill center directors reported that demand exceeds availability for a majority of their programs.

Additionally, we summarize data on skill center students’ graduation rates and their post-secondary and labor market outcomes over a five-year period following high school. Across the 2013 through 2023 graduation cohorts, most skill center students (80%) earned a high school diploma. Less than 40% have earned a post-secondary credential five years after graduation, but nearly 70% are employed over that time frame. Only 10% of skill center students are not in education or employment five years after graduation.
