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The 2023 Legislature directed WSIPP to update the Adult Corrections Inventory, focusing on programs for incarcerated individuals in prison facilities. For this inventory, we reviewed and synthesized the research evidence for a variety of programs aimed at reducing recidivism and improving other outcomes for this population. This update prioritizes adding programs offered by Washington’s Department of Corrections (DOC). This is the second update to the Adult Corrections Inventory first published in 2013.
The accompanying report describes our standard process for evaluating and classifying research evidence and the reasons that program classifications may change in the current iteration of the inventory. Programs that are new to the inventory, updated with current evidence, or change classification due to benefit-cost model updates are identified in the report. Additionally, this report summarizes information about likely program effects on recidivism for all DOC facility programs included in the inventory.
Find previous versions of the inventory with the following links: 2013 Inventory; 2018 Inventory.